Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Poker Rules

Poker, a card game is gaining popularity day by day. In Poker Game Rules, there is a communal pot which contains the wagers of the players. This pot is given to that poker player who makes an unrivaled wager in comparison with his/her competitors or possesses the highest ranking hand. This means that in Poker Game Rules, it is the strength of the cards which players wager on.

Poker game is classified in two different games- one is Omaha poker and other is Seven Card Stud, which are played in the form of “high-only” and high-low split" respectively. As per the high-low poker game rules, half the pot goes to the best five-card poker hand for high and the other half to the best qualifying five-card hand for low. The Texas Hold’em poker Games offer Limit option, No limit and Pot option which high-only is played with.

As a Poker Game Rule, it is forced wagers which the game always starts with and the poker players contend over them. There are two forced wagers in Texas Hold'em and Omaha, a big blind and a small blind. There are also two forced players in Seven Card Stud, razz poker and horse poker is one is bring-in and another one is an ante. In poker game rules, players use all the legal wagers action strategically. These actions are:


According to poker game rules, a player comes to raise particularly when there is a wager on the current betting round. That is to say matching on the current betting and making a greater betting are the basic things for a poker player as far as the act of raising is concerned.


As a poker game rule, a poker player may call, when there is a wager on the current round of the game. Therefore matching on the current bet is a very indispensible factor for a poker player to call.


The act of folding signifies that a player is not entitled to carry his or her interest any further in the pot. A player is not permitted or entitled to wager any further buck on the current poker game after the act of folding as per the poker game rule.


According to poker game rule, the condition of betting for a player comes off when the wager is no more on the current betting round. The poker player at once is supposed to fold, raise, or call clockwise from him or her (and any subsequent poker players) in case betting is done.


Checking is an act which comes of when there is no wager on the current betting round. In this case the action is passed in clockwise form to the next poker player just after it. A check does not mean that a player is not entitled to carry any further in the pot. But he or she is forfeited only with the current right to bet.

The "showdown" takes place in the final betting round after the last bet or raise. And after showing hands one-by –one, the winner of the pot is determined. Sometimes the showdown is not possible and in that case the player doing the betting or raising is declared the winner of the whole amount of the pot.

This has been all about the poker game rules, and having learnt these poker games rules completely, you can not only enjoy the game to the full but also come out victorious time and again for sure.

More Poker Rules:

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